macOS High Sierra User Certificate Import

macOS uses a utility that comes with the system called 'keychain access' to manage certificates within the operating system. Trusts with root CA are also managed with this tool.

To locate your keychain access utility, open Spotlight Search -> keychain access


This will open the application we will need to manage our certificates in macOS.


To make your keychain trusts easier to manage, create a new keychain specifically for Securing Labs certificates:


You can name it whatever you like, just keep it unique.


Clicking on the certificate file you downloaded should prompt for the passphrase you were provided through sms. :


[info] Please note:

macOS does not permit the copy and paste of the passphrase, and must be manually typed into the prompt

You will then be prompted for your keychain or system password, and have the chance to assign a new password for accessing the certificate. Once the certificate is imported, the passphrase you were sent is no longer needed as you will not be prompted for the certificate passphrase again. Any authentication from the operating system to access the certificate will be what you defined as part of the keychain access utility.

You should restart your browser to ensure changes to the certificates are updated. This is usually enough to enable the user certificate, but in case of cached session information a full reboot will ensure your new certificate is implemented.

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