Securing Labs Origin Root Certificate Authority

Securing Labs uses a private certificate authority that is automated within the service fabric. To stop certificate errors due to untrusted certificates, you can download and trust the Securing Labs Root CA chain. The CA chain includes a root server (, and a signing CA ( Adding these two certificates as a trusted root for Securing Labs is operating system dependant.

[info] Optional Step

Importing the root CA chain to make the site trusted is optional, and is only to remove warnings about certificate trust for Securing Labs. It is not required for access if you continue to choose to access the site through the browser warning pages.

The Certificate chain for Securing Labs can be downloaded at :

It should be unnecessary to install more then the chain certificate, The certificate chain file above contains the combined certificate authority root server along with the signing authority

The downloaded certificate chain should be imported into your local certificate store of the operating system. In the case of Mac OSX, the application 'keychain access' allows the user to manage certificate trusts for the operating system. Once trusted by the operating system, warnings about access to Securing Labs resources should subside.


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